Die größten politischen Stiftungen der USA
Hier finden Sie eine Übersicht der größten politischen Stiftungen der USA
Budget in 1.000 US$ | Vermögen in 1.000 US$ | |
Ford Foundation | 658.143 | 12.400.460 |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | 624.612 | 9.042.504 |
Foundation to Promote Open Society | 585.692 | 4.986.869 |
Rockefeller Foundatio | 401.791 | 4.237.699 |
RAND Corporation | 322.184 | 442.243 |
Carnegie Corporation of New York | 237.322 | 3.332.078 |
Institute for Defense Analyses | 215.846 | 316.448 |
Charles Koch Foundation | 155.619 | 535.926 |
National Endowment for Democracy | 154.937 | 104.540 |
Rockefeller Brothers Fund | 145.085 | 870.572 |
Aspen Institute | 142.855 | 278.242 |
National Democratic Institute for International Affairs | 122.589 | 30.588 |
Brookings Institution | 106.387 | 482.069 |
Council on Foreign Relations | 101.553 | 507.571 |
Heritage Foundation | 92.008 | 269.607 |
American Israel Public Affairs Committee | 88.562 | 155.580 |